Making Safeguarding Personal

Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is a national approach. It promotes responses to safeguarding situations that:

  • enhance involvement, choice and control
  • improve quality of life, wellbeing and safety

It is about seeing people as experts in their own lives. This means working alongside them to identify the outcomes they want. It helps them to resolve their situation and supports their recovery.

Person-centred approach

MSP emphasises the importance of a person-centred approach. It adopts the principle of ‘no decision about me, without me’.

A person-led approach accepts that to make choices and manage risks, people require:

  • different levels of support
  • personalised information
  • advocacy support, if needed

Local guidance

Making Safeguarding Personal guidance

We developed this guidance as a recommendation from the Adult B SAR. It includes advice on how to respond when you cannot see a person alone and suspect coercion:

Making Safeguarding Personal guidance [LINK TO DOC]

Making Safeguarding Personal leaflets

We produced leaflets to raise awareness of MSP:

  • Making Safeguarding Personal leaflet [LINK TO DOC]
  • Easy Read: Making Safeguarding Personal leaflet [LINK TO DOC]

Making Safeguarding Personal podcast

Brighton and Hove SAB have developed a 7-minute podcast. It offers tips on how to put MSP into practice. It also signposts to further information and guidance.

Making Safeguarding Personal podcast

National guidance

Making Safeguarding Personal | Local Government Association

The LGA have produced a range of resources, including a toolkit, case studies, videos and a briefing on MSP.